Solidaritet med franske undervisere

I et felles kondolansebrev til franske lærerorganisasjoner uttrykker Forskerforbundet, Utdanningsforbundet og Skolenes landsforbund sin solidaritet med franske kolleger etter drapet på Samuel Paty.

Det franske flagget

Brevet er undertegnet av forbundslederne Guro Elisabeth Lind, Steffen Handal (Utdanningsforbundet) og Anne Finborud (Skolenes landsforbund), og er adressert til de franske lærerorganisasjonene UNSA, SNES og SN-FSU.

I brevet heter det:

Norwegian teachers and the whole Norwegian society have been horrified to learn about the bestial killing of our colleague Samuel Paty. He was murdered last week only because he was doing his job on behalf of the French government and the French Republic: teaching his students about the freedom of speech as an essential part of human rights and a foundation stone of a democratic society. It is more important than ever that students understand that to live in a democratic society means you must accept and learn to live with being offended, be it because of religious beliefs or other reasons. 

In these difficult times for our French colleagues and for French education, we would like to express our deep-felt condolences and support to all of you. We urge you to continue to stand up in the proud tradition of the teaching profession to represent and fight for human rights through your work.

We stand in solidarity with you.