Who can become a member?

«Membership of the Norwegian Association of Researchers is open to employees in scientific, technical-administrative or other professional positions that normally require a tertiary qualification and who work in

  • research and development
  • higher education
  • museums and cultural heritage management
  • public administration related to research and higher education

Students may also become members, and retirees may retain their membership.»

(Forskerforbundet's Articles of Association, § 2)

Supplementary guidelines for membership

Adopted by the Executive Board.

Members who are unemployed for a period of time can retain their membership.

Persons with affiliation to the research and knowledge sector (previous employment in a relevant job position in the sector) kan become members, even if they are not employed at the time of registration. However, any legal assistance from Forskerforbundet will be limited to employment within the research and knowledge sector. They pay the same membership fee as non-employed members.

Members with temporary employment outside Forskerforbundet's scope, may retain their membership. However, any legal assistance from NAR will be limited to employment within the research and knowledge sector. They pay the same membership fee as non-employed members.

Members who hold a full time position (more than 50 %) pay ordinary membership fees. 

Members who hold a part time position (50 % or less) pay reduced membership fees.

Ph.D. candidates attending a Ph.D. programme pay reduced membership fees.

(Executive Board Decision, Case 75/2009)