Spekter Helse

Forskerforbundet's members in the health institutions receive their salary determined in local collective agreements.

Forskerforbundet's members in the health institutions receive their salary determined in local collective agreements.
Forskerforbundet has around 1,130 members in Spekter Helse. The largest member groups are researchers, administrative support staff and clinical nutritionists.
Spekter is an employers' association that organizes businesses in the private sector in the areas of health, transport and culture. Specter is divided into different agreement areas. In total, Spekter's member businesses have approx. 240,000 employees, of which just over half are in the health sector.
The central negotiations take place between the main associations and Spekter. Forskerforbundet participates in the negotiation committee Unio-Spekter.
Forskerforbundet's members in Spekter have all their salaries regulated locally, and it is the local union representative in Forskerforbundet who negotiates with the company's management annually.
See your collective agreements here (only in Norwegian)
Collective agreements – Spekter