City of Oslo

Forskerforbundet's members in Oslo municipality (the City of Oslo) have their salary determined by a combination of central and local negotiations.

Forskerforbundet's members in Oslo municipality (the City of Oslo) have their salary determined by a combination of central and local negotiations.
The City of Oslo is the only municipality in the country that is a separate bargaining area. All other municipalities are members of KS. Oslo municipality has more than 50,000 employees.
Forskerforbundet has around 100 members in Oslo municipality, most of whom are employed by the Munch Museum, the Culture Agency of Oslo, the Health Agency of Oslo and the City Antiquities in Oslo.
The central negotiations in Oslo take place between the union confederations and Oslo municipality. Forskerforbundet participates in the negotiation committee Unio Oslo kommune.
The local negotiations in Oslo municipality take place between the employer and the trade unions at the individual business/agency. It is the local union representative in Forskerforbundet who negotiates wages for you locally.
See your collective agreements here (only in Norwegian)
Collective agreements – Oslo