Information for incoming researchers
Information for foreign citizens coming to Norway to work in the research and higher education sector.

Information for foreign citizens coming to Norway to work in the research and higher education sector.
As a mobile researcher you will have to tackle issues such as accommodation, visa and work permits, language lessons, schools for your children, social security and medical care.
Living in Norway
Information for incoming researchers from EURAXESS Norway. In this section you find information about practical issues concerning settling down in Norway. The portal is hosted by the Research Council of Norway.
New in Norway / Ny i Norge
New in Norway is a website with practical information from public agencies in Norway. New in Norway has been prepared to labour immigrants, but is useful to spouses, employers with foreign employees and other groups as well.
Information from the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI).
Service Centre for Foreign Workers in Norway
At SUA, the police, the Tax Administration and the Labour Inspection Authority will help you sort out everything you need to work in Norway
Recognition of foreign higher education – information from the Norwegian Agency for Quality Assurance in Education; NOKUT.
The EURAXESS portal lists registration requirements for EU/EEA/EFTA citizens, together with information about the most relevant permits for researchers from countries outside the EU/EEA/EFTA.