Check your membership information
It is important that Forskerforbundet has the correct information about your membership before we start this year's central wage negotiations. Log in to 'Min side' / My membership page and check that the information is correct.

We want to protect our members' interests in the best possible way. In order to do so, it is important that we have the correct information about all our members.
You can check your membership information on 'Min side' / My membership page online.
We ask that you check the information about:
- Employer / local work place / campus location
- Membership and membership fee category
- Grade code / Job title and salary information
- Postal address
- Email address, work and private
- Mobile number
If you have two different employments (with different employers) and want Forskerforbundet's local branch to represent you in local negotiations at both places, you must send us an with information about the two employments. You will then be registered on the member list for both local branches.
User name (Brukernavn): Your email address, as registered in our database.
If you have forgotten your password, use the feature 'Glemt passord' which will reset your password.
If the information on 'Min side' is correct, you don't have to take any action. If any of the information is incorrect you can submit changes online. Use the feature 'Endre opplysninger'.
'Min side' / My membership page is encrypted in order to secure your personal data (cf. the Personal Data Act).
Contact Member Service at / tel. 21 02 34 00 if you have any questions.