– The use of the postdoctoral scheme must be tightened
A new report shows that the postdoctoral scheme is being misused and contributes to a high proportion of temporary work among young researchers.

Guro Elisabeth Lind, President of Forskerforbundet
– If we target the postdoctoral scheme better, we create better conditions both for Norwegian research and for the young researchers, says Guro Elisabeth Lind, president of Forskerforbundet.
The research institute NIFU has presented a report on the use of postdoctoral positions in Norway. The report presents a survey of how postdoctoral fellows are recruited to Norwegian research institutions, how they are followed up while in the position, and their careers after the postdoctoral period. The project was commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Research and will contribute to the knowledge base for policy formulation for the recruitment of, and careers for, younger researchers in Norway.
Forskerforbundet’s president Guro Elisabeth Lind believes the report shows why the use of postdoctoral scheme must be tightened.
– The report confirms what we have said for a long time: The postdoctoral scheme is being abused to employ young researchers as workhorses with weak rights. We need to treat our young researchers better than this. It is time to tighten the use of the postdoctoral scheme, and young researchers must be hired permanently in line with the rules in working life in general, Lind says.
NIFU: Long way to the top position for the postdocs
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